Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A revelation of love...

... a revelation of LOVE!!!

I just want to believe that Jesus loves me. I want to have that knowledge in me so much that it overflows onto everyone around me! Ya know? I mean...do we really have an understanding of that love? The love that surpasses all understanding. The love that is truly unconditional. I think that if we really got it, if we REALLY understood it, this generation would have something to live for. There really would be revival in Cartersville, and America if we understood the Father's love for us!

We would turn away from sin and darkness if we had something better, right? We wouldn't need to drink or get high if we could feel the love of Jesus! If we could feel the love that's as strong as death... if we believed that the Father was proud of us we would want to live for Him.

The truth is, this generation is SO hungry for love and they don't know where to find it. All we have heard about is the fire and wrath of God, not the tender mercy! It is love that saves souls, not the fear of eternal damnation. But eternal love...I mean...who doesn't want that? Who doesn't want to fall in love? Who doesn't want to be loved by the most perfect love of all? The most satisfying love of all...?

What we need is a true revelation of the Lord's love for us. We are children of God. Seriously, He calls us children! He says we are adopted by Him! That means, we have a Daddy in heaven who loves us so much that He sent His son to pay for our nasty sin. Because He thinks we are worth it! In our sin, in our messiness, in our brokenness, in our barrenness...He looked over the earth and said "Yeah, that's the one. I want You to die for her Jesus, because I want her to be my daughter. Yeah, she has alot of junk and she has done alot of stuff that I told her not to do, but she is the one I want. I know she will love me. One day when she realizes her other lovers don't satisfy, she will love me." He wants all of His children to come home to Him! That is why He said, "I want that one too. He is my son. He doesn't even love me yet, and he is really going in the wrong direction with his life, but if You go to the cross...one day he will choose me. I will give him the nations! He will be a prophet and a fiery evangalist! You will see, He will love me and He will be a part of Our family."

That is what He says about us. He doesn't shake His head in disgust, He doesn't count down the days until He can punish us...He beckons us to come home! Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father making Intercession for us...meaning...Jesus prays for me! That is ridiculous! Jesus prays for me!!! Jesus prays for you!!! Jesus prays for us!!! I don't get it, but I love it! We need a true understanding of His love. It's the only thing that will save this generation. Because love never fails! :) If we have a glimpse of the beauty of God, we will never be the same. We won't want anything but Him!

So...Jesus, that is all I want for Christmas. I want to fall more in love with my beautiful, invisible God! And I want to believe everything YOU say about me and forget what the world says.

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