Saturday, September 17, 2011

It's all about how you handle it...

Fall is HERE!!! I am so happy about this! September in Georgia is my favorite time of year, it is SO beautiful! The leaves are changing, the wind is blowing and the countdown to the winter holidays is about to begin! (yes, I start counting down in October!) I am loving this season!!!

There have been lots of changes going on with us, yet again. It seems life is always changing faster than I am ready for it to...but I know that is God's way. He gave us 4 seasons...and it's almost as if just when you get used to one, it changes. Maybe it's a way to keep us from getting too comforatable and unwilling to move/grow/change when He wants us to? My life, atleast is always changing...and I hold my breath, because I never know what the next season will bring.

This month for me has been sort of a roller coaster. I have had more ups and downs, back to back. The reality that Anna is growing from a baby to a toddler before my very eyes just about brings me to tears! I have had 2 amazing job offers just this week! And part of me thinks it would be awesome to "get back into the world", (out of the house). And another part of me cringes at the thought of leaving Anna to grow up without me! (Dramatic, I know, but that's how it would feel!) This decision has been much more emotional than I had planned. I turned down both jobs. I look at my mom, and even Alex's mom and I see where they are in their lives... They are both doing things they love doing, and from my perspective they are only at the beginning of another really long season of life. I want to soak up these next several years with Anna... I am really loving every second of motherhood and even the highest paying job couldn't make up for what I would miss with her. I know there will be a season later in life where she grows up and moves into her next role in life, and I will be fine with that. And I will be more than happy to step into my next role in life as well.

There have been several other things that have come up this month that have triggered my emotions, all of them were at the time a huge deal to me, but now seem so silly I can't even admit to them. :) But I will tell you how I came to this conclusion...

I am working 2 mornings a week with a dear friend. I was nannying for her earlier this summer, and now I am helping her with her new business. It is perfect for me because it is only a few hours & a couple of days, and she is fabulous and I love spending time with her. We were talking yesterday, and it was almost like she could read my mind. She knew exactly what I was "stressing" over. So she told me a few stories from her life and the bottom line was... It's all about how you handle it. When troubles come, or worries or problems... Look to Jesus. Don't freak out and make something little, HUGE. Just look to Jesus and let Him solve the problem for you, or lead you through to the right decision. I am a firm believer in that the Lord allows us to go through certain situations to not only build character in us, but also to teach us something about His character. He is Faithful and He doesn't freak out over our problems. I had a picture come to my mind several years ago that has helped me many times put things in perspective. I saw myself standing at the foot of this mountain, and I was staring up at it, and it was never ending! It seemed impossible that I could ever reach the top of it, much less the other side. Then I saw the mountain from the sky above it (God's perspective) and I could see the foot of the mountain, the top of the mountain and the other side of the mountain. So, God was showing me that He is not freaked out by this "trouble" I am faced with, He sees the other side... Although we can't see tomorrow, He can, and most of the time we are worried about something that was already going to be okay. (Our worrying doesn't help the situation. Matthew 6:34)

So my friend and boss, spoke to my heart when she shared her stories with me. She reminded me of things that I already know in my heart... That God is God. :) Sometimes I forget and I think I am here on this earth just to figure it all out on my own, but He is here with me every step of the way. And He already has a plan, so I don't have to think up my own, I just have to listen for His voice to tell me what to do. Doesn't that sound so much better??

God was reminding me that He sees my heart at all times, and although He understands my weak human frame, He is looking for a heart that is steadfast and unshaken. He is looking for faith and trust in my heart. I am praying that He will help me to handle troubles with grace. That the next time I am standing up against a giant mountain, that I would not look up at it, but look up to Him and find the peace that is in His eyes and just rest in that place. He is a great God!

I am meditating on these words of life today:
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

On the same day, when evening had come, He said to them, “Let us cross over to the other side.” Now when they had left the multitude, they took Him along in the boat as He was. And other little boats were also with Him. And a great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that it was already filling. But He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?”
Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. But He said to them, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” And they feared exceedingly, and said to one another, “Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him!” Mark 4:35-41

1 comment:

  1. Girl this is soo true! one of my favorite things about putting my life in Gods hands is that i don't have to WORRy, i don't have to make huge decisions on my own which, im horrible at, and i don't have to stress ahhh i just get to give it all to him and Daddy takes care of it for me. His ways are higher then our ways, thoughts higher then ours.. it just gives me peace
