Monday, October 24, 2011

A new adventure!

So much has happened this month! I feel like I am in a whirl wind...but a good one! (Nahum 1:3) =) Let me update real quick!

* Anna is 17 months old!!! She is growing so quickly and beautifully! She is in the 90% as always and her doctors say she is brilliant. =) She has a love for animals that is growing by the minute! Anything that walks on 4 legs is called a "Nonnie". She is a delight! I am so grateful for such a sweet & loving baby. When Alex leaves for work she insists on a dozen kisses and she sings "da-da, da-da" when she is going to sleep. It is so precious...

* Fall is here & winter is coming, so I am about to be baking up a storm! I looove this time of year! Pumpkin everything & lots of homemade soup! :) I also can't wait for the family gatherings... it gets busy, but I love having everyone together. We will be missing my Sister & her family a lot this year, but I know they will be loving their first white Christmas in Colorado!

* Last but not least, I am about to start school to become a Doula! (screams) If you know me well, or at know this must be God! I have had a fear of childbirth my whole life. It wasn't until I got pregnant with Anna that I was forced to overcome that fear. Through much prayer & hours and hours spent reading scriptures in the bible about childbirth and what it was intended to be, I was able to overcome that fear. My delivery was seriously a JOYOUS occasion! I did not dread it, panic or worry...I embraced it & welcomed Anna with peace & calm. I would do it again 100 times the same way! I give God all of the glory for that, because I know in my own strength it isn't possible.

Point being...

I know there are women EVERYWHERE who are battling fear & torment about childbirth. Children are the greatest blessing, apart from salvation that we can recieve from God... I am so excited that I get to be a part of helping women overcome their fears of childbirth & welcome their blessing into the world! Doula means: a women who serves. I will be serving women & their families during pregnancy & delivery and sometimes after delivery as well. I have only just begun this process so I don't even know the extent of what I will be doing, but I am SO excited & honored to be a part of it!

One of the very best parts about this is, it won't change very much about our lifestyle. I still get to be home with Anna every day and I can pick how many clients I take on. This is such a perk for me because I love being at home with her. I start class in 11 days & I'm guessing I will mention that in my next post! :)

Hope everyone is BLESSED!!!

The LORD is slow to anger but great in power; the LORD will not leave the guilty unpunished. His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of his feet.. Nahum 1:3... <--

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