Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Thankful Heart...

O give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known His doings among the peoples!
1 Chronicles 16: 8

I am going to join many of my blogging friends and list things I am thankful for! I can't seem to find 1 sentence to summarize things, so a paragraph will have to do. :)
There is so much to be thankful for, but I will start here!

I am thankful for....

1] Alex. I am so thankful for my husband and best friend... I have never laughed or cried so much with another person. We are learning how to "do life" together, and some days are easier than the next, but every day is a gift. I have never met a person like him, and I knew he was different from the very beginning. I learn something new about him every day. He encourages me, inspires me, provokes me & is always calling me into my destiny. He has taught me that no circumstance can keep me from my calling & every day is a chance to start over. When I am having a bad day he reminds me that every time I choose not to quit, I am succeeding. He makes me laugh when I want to cry, and wipes my tears when it's too late. I love him deeply & can't wait to see what the future will bring.


My sweeties.

Love of my life.

We need some updated pics!

2] Anna Jael. Where do I even begin? My heart overflows with love for this girl... She is the greatest gift I could ever hold. Her smile lights up the world! She has taught me so much in her 18 months of life... I can remember so clearly her first few hours of life... She was wrapped up in white, smokey eyes wide open, staring straight into my heart. I had no idea who I was looking at that day. I didn't know the depth at which I would learn to love. I am so thankful for this precious child. I love her each day more and more.

My Anna

I could post 100 pics, but I won't. :)

5 days treasure.

3] Family. I am so thankful for my parents & sisters! I am humbled when I think back on my childhood/teenage years....My parents still love me??? And my poor sisters.. I was such a mess!!! Yet, through all of the years, good choices..bad choices..tantrums , fights & many tears, they all still speak to me. And thank God, now I am a new creation! :) Every family has its flaws, because none of us are perfect, but I am so BLESSED to be able to say that there has never been a time when I cried out for "HELP" that one of these 4 people haven't been there. I love my family & I am so thankful for the GOOD memories that do exist & the bad ones that made us stronger. :)


The Bates Girls

Our babies!

Us as babies..

4] True Friends. Friends that don't disappear when times get tough. Friends that don't gossip. Friends you can call at a moments notice & they will come help you pack & move. Just. Like. That. Friends you can laugh with, cry with and eat what you REALLY want with. ;) Friends who are TRULY happy for you when you succeed and that grieve with you when you "fail". Friends that don't count the miles. Friends that don't tell you the jeans are too tight, but just buy you a new pair that fit! ha! Friends that love & care and (sorry for rhyming) are always there! Irreplaceable, devoted, come-what-may-friends.

"Back in the day"

A little more current..


Roomies in heaven.

We need to update this Tashie!

5] My Ethiopia Family. We are going on 4 years since we met in July of 2008. 20 something people from all across the country met up in Dallas, Tx. and traveled together to Africa for 2 short weeks... We all fell in love with the beautiful people of Ethiopia & with each other! God has since been knitting our hearts together, even with the miles between us... it seems like we grow closer every month. We try to meet up AT LEAST twice a year..and each time I leave loving them more than before. They are beautiful people, all so different and it's just amazing. I consider them family. I am thankful.

In Ethiopia..2008


Atlanta... 2010

Nashville... 2011

Colorado... 2011