Tuesday, September 14, 2010

So many questions!

I am beginning to realize that I may never get the answers to my questions [[on this side of eternity]]...but I'm not going to stop asking them.

When I meet the Lord- face to face - I don't know if I will even want to ask my questions... Or maybe, just one look at His face will be enough to answer them all.

"Matchless in glory You are, Jesus! You strike wonder in every heart, Jesus!"

Or maybe, one look at His face will fill my heart with a million more questions...

Today I am asking many questions. Some that are laughable...and some that make my heart ache. I wonder how long did it take God to create every leaf that has ever existed? Just the blink of an eye..or did artists like Michaelangelo get their love of detail from God the creator? Did He spend hours on each one, choosing the colors & textures & shapes very carefully? Did He think about a specific branch on a certain tree that He wanted it to go on? Or was it all just random? I like to think He was very specific when He designed them... much like He was when He created each of us. Of course He could do it all in one second...but how much more beautiful that He would take the time for every one? ... I also wonder why there are so many orphans... this is one that makes me ache. I think about my Anna and how precious she is, and every smile & every tear and how I treasure the beauty of her being. Every time I make her bottle and I hold her and feed her...almost every time, I think about the babies in Africa that I held and loved for those 2 short weeks almost 2 years ago. My heart still breaks for them... that they don't have someone to love them and find the beauty that is hidden inside of them. I know God the Father is ever present and I know He loves them & treasures them & weeps over their suffering, but I can't help but wonder why? Why is there so much wealth in the world & so many hungry people? Why are there so many families who want babies & 12,500 abortions A DAY in the world?

Monday, September 13, 2010

New blogger =)

After being inspired by many amazing blogs lately, I have really been wanting to start one! I had one a few years ago, but never kept up with it. I am hoping this one sticks. =)

I am a 22 year old mama to my beautiful baby girl Anna Jael..she is 4months old! And absolutley the most precious gift I could have ever received. (along with salvation & my hubby) She is just now getting to the really fun stage! Smiling and laughing ALOT & sleeping about 9 hours at night ;) She rolls over and tries really hard to crawl! I am so happy every day that I get to wake up and watch her grow & I'm so honored that I get to be such a big part of her life. I know God has some big plans for her! She is destined for greatness!

I am also wife to my sweet hubby Alex. The Lord has used this amazing man to draw me unto Himself more than any other person I have ever known. The first time I met him I was so amazed by his love for God that I actually left feeling more in love with God than before...I'm still not sure what happened. =) He just radiates the love of God & you can't help but love God more when you see him do it. Does that make sense? haha... Anyway- he is pretty incredible, and though this first year of marriage has been harder than I could have ever imagined, I thank God every day that I get to spend the rest of my life with him! We really are perfect for eachother.

I am Daughter of the Most High God. I have been on this journey of "Knowing Him" for about 6 years now... but some days I wake up and feel like I just started yesterday! There is so much of God & so little that I can wrap my mind around. But He is beautiful & worth all of the searching. I will give the rest of my life to knowing Him and loving Him more. He is my rock & the only thing worth living for.

So...that's me in a nutshell. =) Who knows what will come out of this thing... I'm just processing life so... have fun reading my blogs!